Purchase Memberships
and Make Donations
Please consider joining WJLS as a member for only $5 or make a donation of your choice. Your support makes it possible for the show to be a continued success.
Membership* Deadline is November 20th of the current year.
*See page 11 of the Rule Book for more information about the Purpose of the Western Junior Livestock Show and a paid Membership.
*The upcoming Annual meeting has been set. Please see page 12 for information about the Board of Directors and the Western Junior Livestock Annual meeting.
WJLS Annual Member* Meeting is the first Saturday of December at 10 AM of the current year unless otherwise notified.
We will meet at (TBD). Please plan to attend to bring your concerns, suggestions, and vote as needed.
We are accepting memberships and donations via mail.
Western Junior Livestock
% Jackie Maude, Manager
15678 Lower Spring Creek Road
Hermosa, SD 57744